Block 1 is from September 4 to December 12, 2024. Presentation Week is December to December 19, 2024.

Our Approach

Tomorrow’s leaders need a different skill set—intrinsic motivation, vision, creative and critical thinking.

LightHouse offers students a way to discover and pursue their passions, and to develop the skills they will need as they move forward into the 21st century. We change the teacher-student relationship entirely to create a truly collaborative process that is founded in trust and mutual respect.
The research is clear: learning is most successful when it is personalized, meaningful, and active. Learning is something you DO. We are supporting students to do much more than get by or get through it, but to thrive.

Personal Guidance & Support

We know that learning extends beyond the classroom. Students work with their advisor to connect interests, classes, and projects into a personalized curriculum.

Your advisor will help you schedule tutorials, pursue independent study, and access resources both at LightHouse and in the community. This relationship is at the core of the LightHouse experience.

Small Classes

Class sizes at LightHouse are usually five to ten students.  Everything we do is based on building strong, healthy relationships among students and staff. Small classes help us do this. Young people can more easily get to know each other, and teachers can remain flexible and responsive to individuals' needs when the group is smaller. 

LightHouse uses a trimester system, three "blocks" per year, with new class offerings each block.

Unique Class Offerings

Teachers at LightHouse offer a wide variety of classes based on their own passions and the interests of the students we serve. Adults at LightHouse model self-direction, creativity, and community by designing and facilitating classes such as Music Performance, Sci Fi Literature, Math Lab, Mythology, Anthropology, Screen Printing, as well as a variety of classes in our Maker Space.  When students want to pursue interests not covered in our classes, they can schedule tutorials or design independent studies or access external or online resources with the help of their advisor.

Classes Aligned with Competencies

Advisors work with each student to document their progress toward our research-based set of competencies. Each class at LightHouse is designed around three relevant competencies selected by the teacher and seeks to further student skill building in these areas. Competencies can be attained through any and all learning experiences, however, and students and advisors work together to plan and document this growth.


Tutorials, Independent Study, Dual Enrollment

In addition to classes and advising, LightHouse offers individual tutoring and guidance for independent study.

LightHouse has dual enrollment relationships with Holyoke Community College, Greenfield Community College, and Springfield Technical Community College. Juniors and seniors can take college classes for credit while also attending LightHouse. Dual enrollment offers the increased challenge of college exploration combined with the personal support of attending LightHouse.

LightHouse has auditing relationships with Mount Holyoke, Hampshire College, Smith, and other nearby colleges. This means our students can attend a college class without the cost or the stress, to learn, explore, and build an impressive transcript.

Life Beyond LightHouse: College, Internships, and Work

At some point LightHouse students will want to explore outside opportunities, like college classes, volunteer work, paid work, or an internship. Your advisor will help you consider the right fits and help you make them happen.

The entire Innovation District of downtown Holyoke is our campus. We have relationships with Gateway City Arts, the Boys and Girls Club, the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center, the YMCA, and many other nearby resources.

The Innovation District is rich and growing with resources, and LightHouse students have access to these opportunities.

When everything about school is different, you’ll love learning.

Expand your vision of what education can be.

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